Being Depleted Can Allow You to Be Defeated
Why is the concept and idea of rest so important? Because when you are depleted, you are more easily defeated. The enemy of our souls knows that, too. Why else would the temptation of Jesus recorded in the gospels (aka the first 4 chapters of the New Testament of the Bible) occur after 40 days and nights of fasting? If there was ever a chance that the devil could take down God-in-flesh (Jesus), it had to be when all His reserves were down. The lesson that leaps out at me from the Matthew 4:1-11 is that Jesus fought back with the Word of God!
“It is written…”
– Jesus (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10)
Our church is currently teaching a series called “The Implications of Jesus” where we’re focused on what the implications are if Jesus is who we say He is, who HE says He is… And it changes and means everything! The implications of this story — of me believing this story as truth out of the Holy Word of God — are that it can change the way I fight my battles, too. One of the most raging and difficult battles of our time is busyness. Ask any American person how they are and what will be their answer? “Busy.” We often wear it as a badge of honor, too. Our culture celebrates busy and applauds it and looks down upon those who are not buying into the busy-hype.
Anyone I talk to knows rest is important and that they need it – so why is it so easy to give in to the busy hustle culture? And so very hard and even foreign to prioritize sabbath and regular, intentional rest?
Rest is a weapon.
Jonathan Helser
I have learned that when I am depleted, I am more easily defeated.
If rest wasn’t so powerful, so transformational and life-giving, then the enemy of our souls wouldn’t work so tirelessly to keep us tired, overcommitted, overworked, and spent. He wouldn’t work so hard to make us think that escaping is a form of rest. The pastor spoke of how we will escape into things to forget the world like into entertainment — the problem I see here though is that such a fountain cannot quench us. Our fountain we draw from must be God and the things of God. Fighting with the Word of God like Jesus modeled for us. Being in the Word enough to know it in our hearts and ready at a moment’s notice to fight with that Sword! (Ephesians 6:17)
I am so passionate about the topic of rest because God has done so much work in my own life and heart through intentional rest. It’s a lesson that I continue to learn and grow within, and benefit from when practiced. Resting in Him and delighting in His Word brings life! There’s a real rest we cannot find anywhere else. Although to find it, we must learn to slow down and like Jesus, slip away from the crowds and to spend time with Father. We read about how Jesus guided the disciples to obtain rest in the REST devotional. Jesus taught, modeled and preached a message that our source for everything comes from God. I’ll close these thoughts on REST today with the verse that is central to the devotional study:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
Come away with Jesus, you’ll recover your life.
You’ll find rest for your soul.
You’ll find that He really is all that you need.
REST and peace in Christ,